Saturday, March 5, 2011

Newest Garden Glass Plate Flower

This one has a modern look, at least I think so. I may paint the rod a green color, but who knows. It will weather in the garden which might look cool.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Excited About Spring Gardening & Decorating with Glass Plate Flowers

Found a fun blog about gardening. Check out the succulents, absolutely amazing. I put together my first Plate Glass Garden Flower. So easy and so pretty.

I used 3 plates, and one piece of art glass. Drilled holes in all and screwed into an old wooden curtain rod I found at the store. It may have cost me 12-15 for all. I try not to pay more than $3 for any one plate. I know I paid $2 for the scalloped plate, and I think $3 for the piece of art glass. I love it, and I'm going to put it in a planter on the patio. I've been arranging other designs, will have more to post soon.