Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why won't my kids brush their teeth?

Elias woke up in a foul mood today. He's 10, and I think his early hormones are raging. I beg, I plead, I ask, I conjole....but they try everything to get out of brushing their teeth....Why?  I buy Spongebob Squarepants toothpaste because they say that it's the only kind they like. I buy Whiz Bang toothbrushes. The only way they brush their teeth is if I stand over them and supervise. They are 10 & 6, when are they supposed to be able to follow directions and just brush?

Ok, so that's not thrift store related, it's just a frustrating mommy thing I'm struggling with this morning. Here's a thrift store tip for all those getting their garage sale fix at the Goodwill. The thrift store employees always seem to abandon carts of goods that are schedule to be put out on the floor. Best place to find cool stuff is go through those carts. I always take a look. Never be obnoxious, just gently sidle up to it and sift through. Brand new, un-picked through junk. It's where you find good stuff.

Today we're off to the Post-Office, gotta mail a baby gift to my Cousin. Ace Hardware for glass flowers supplies, and perhaps the local Mount Airy Thrift.....never know what you're going to find.

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