Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow, Snow Days, Kids, & Keeping my Sanity

Like the rest of the country, the last few weeks have been challenging. My kids have gotten so many snow days this winter, they feel like they've won the lottery. Finally they are back to school, and I can sit down and blog. It's been so challenging trying to find something for them to do. I hate to admit it, but the PlayStation 3 has been a great help. Now that they are off a'learnin, I can get back to what I like to do :)

I've complained a bit about the Thrift shops around here, prices seem higher than Spokane, and they certainly aren't very accommodating like Spokane. For instance, no military discounts? Huh? No returns to Goodwill? Back in the Kan, you had 7 days to exchange it if it didn't fit...etc. Yes, I am a returner, my kids know to never take tags off until I say so. I hate to waste money on something if it just doesn't work out.

Well I'm eating my words a bit. The Goodwill in Frederick on Market Street has been awfully kind to me in a round-a-bout way. Bought a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans there, so cute, plus sized....for $5.81. Took them home, and when throwing them in the wash, checked pockets, and there was a $10.00 bill. Yippee.

Thought that was a fluke, but the next week, last week. I went in there again, just for grins and giggles. Found lots of fun stuff. Bought a wallet, since mine drops credit cards out the side. Took home the wallet, $1.95, and found a gift card for $37.00 at Kirklands (a store I've never heard of).

So here's a heads-up to all my fellow Maryland Thrifters, the Frederick Goodwill doesn't check's like a treasure hunt. Not sure if it's a coincidence two weeks in a row? I think it's the Junk-Gods taking mercy on me since I'm so homesick for my old shops.

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