Friday, January 7, 2011

It's My Birthday!

My greatest presents ever....My three boys!  Of course the oldest wants to stay home from school and go thrifting with me and baby. Heck no, I love him, but God Bless School :)  I'm hoping to get a Kindle for my birthday, but no biggie if it doesn't come this year. I went to New Market yesterday, but forgot the camera. Not much to see anyhow. Lots of Rowhouse Antique shops, but nothing interesting for me. It didn't look like it was even open, must be hoppin' in the summer.  But not much traffic in the winter.

Today we are going to try and find the Salvation Army in Frederick. Will take pics and let you know what I think. Maybe I may find a birthday treat.

Ebay is out, Etsy is in! I need to special fabric to start making makeup bags to sell in Spokane and on Etsy.

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